Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Another Day.

So now its about 10 p.m here and my moms bugging me to get off the computer. She needs to realize Im on spring break so, once she goes to bed I'm gonna come back on. So I pretty much went on twitter all day. Then I went out to eat. and got a really yummy burger at Red Robin's. YUM. (sorry force of habit) anyways. After that I hit up the mall and got my outfit for Easter. Its really cute! I got a shirt from Pacsun and a tanktop from Forever 21. Then i'm gonna wear my gray skinny jeans.  I also got flip flops and a shirt from Hollister. So now, I'm home. and On twitter again with my mom bugging me about being on the computer ALL DAY. (lies.)
Gonna Post about Glee now :)

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