Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I thought it would be better together

So glee last night was good. Kinda weird. but good. best parts had to be: 1) Rachel and Mercedes. There friendship is amazing. I love them. There such Divas but divas together <3. am i rambling again?
and then Better Together. Is THAT what there calling it?
Anyways. Santana standing up for Kurt and Blaine. she is such a softy! or a Lindit truffle. (long story) she has a shell but really is a softy on the inside. we love her. she had the guts to do that.
(sorry brittana/ pezberry mind speaking) 
So yeah. i dont wanna write a huge thing. (which im saving for Born This Way) so I'm gonna stop. LOL. (lots of love, not laugh out loud)

Another Day.

So now its about 10 p.m here and my moms bugging me to get off the computer. She needs to realize Im on spring break so, once she goes to bed I'm gonna come back on. So I pretty much went on twitter all day. Then I went out to eat. and got a really yummy burger at Red Robin's. YUM. (sorry force of habit) anyways. After that I hit up the mall and got my outfit for Easter. Its really cute! I got a shirt from Pacsun and a tanktop from Forever 21. Then i'm gonna wear my gray skinny jeans.  I also got flip flops and a shirt from Hollister. So now, I'm home. and On twitter again with my mom bugging me about being on the computer ALL DAY. (lies.)
Gonna Post about Glee now :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

So I get bored an this happens.

eh.. everyday is like any day. I get mistreated then treated alright then mistreated and it keeps going. Im not saying I enjoy this but, Im used to it. So why not make a blog to enjoy my time? fun. So heres all you need to know. I rp as Santana on twitter and its kinda my life. (yes. life) NY is my place. I ship Brittana and Pezberry. Im gonna put this on my twitter account SantanaLgleek so maybe i will post IC sometimes. well see. but right now. Im a bored girl at 1 am making a blog. So yeah.